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Beberapa Kekeliruan dalam Menyambut Awal Tahun Baru Hijriyah

Bagikandakwah – Sahabat dakwah, Sebentar lagi kita akan memasuki tanggal 1 Muharram. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa perhitungan awal tahun hijriyah dimulai dari hijrahnya Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.

Lantas bagaimanakah pandangan Islam mengenai awal tahun yang dimulai dengan bulan Muharram? Ketahuilah bulan Muharram yaitu bulan yang teramat mulia, yang mungkin banyak di antara kita tidak mengetahuinya. Namun banyak di antara kaum muslimin yang salah kaprah dalam menyambut bulan Muharram atau awal tahun. Silakan simak pembahasan berikut.

Bulan Muharram Termasuk Bulan Haram

Dalam agama ini, bulan Muharram (dikenal oleh orang Jawa dengan bulan Suro), merupakan salah satu di antara empat bulan yang dinamakan bulan haram. Lihatlah firman Allah Ta’ala berikut.

إِنَّ عِدَّةَ الشُّهُورِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ اثْنَا عَشَرَ شَهْرًا فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ مِنْهَا أَرْبَعَةٌ حُرُمٌ ذَلِكَ الدِّينُ الْقَيِّمُ فَلَا تَظْلِمُوا فِيهِنَّ أَنْفُسَكُمْ

Sesungguhnya bilangan bulan pada sisi Allah yaitu dua belas bulan, dalam ketetapan Allah di waktu Dia menciptakan langit dan bumi, di antaranya empat bulan haram (suci). Itulah (ketetapan) agama yang lurus, maka janganlah kamu menganiaya diri kamu dalam bulan yang empat itu.” (QS. At Taubah: 36)

Ibnu Rajab mengatakan, ”Allah Ta’ala menjelaskan bahwa sejak penciptaan langit dan bumi, penciptaan malam dan siang, keduanya akan berputar di orbitnya. Allah pun menciptakan matahari, bulan dan bintang lalu menjadikan matahari dan bulan berputar pada orbitnya. Dari situ muncullah cahaya matahari dan juga rembulan. Sejak itu, Allah menjadikan satu tahun menjadi dua belas bulan sesuai dengan munculnya hilal. Satu tahun dalam syariat Islam dihitung berdasarkan perputaran dan munculnya bulan, bukan dihitung berdasarkan perputaran matahari sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh Ahli Kitab.”[1]
Lalu apa saja empat bulan suci tersebut? Dari Abu Bakroh, Nabi shallallahu ’alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

الزَّمَانُ قَدِ اسْتَدَارَ كَهَيْئَتِهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ ، السَّنَةُ اثْنَا عَشَرَ شَهْرًا ، مِنْهَا أَرْبَعَةٌ حُرُمٌ ، ثَلاَثَةٌ مُتَوَالِيَاتٌ ذُو الْقَعْدَةِ وَذُو الْحِجَّةِ وَالْمُحَرَّمُ ، وَرَجَبُ مُضَرَ الَّذِى بَيْنَ جُمَادَى وَشَعْبَانَ

Setahun berputar sebagaimana keadaannya sejak Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi. Satu tahun itu ada dua belas bulan. Di antaranya ada empat bulan haram (suci). Tiga bulannya berturut-turut yaitu Dzulqo’dah, Dzulhijjah dan Muharram. (Satu bulan lagi yaitu) Rajab Mudhor yang terletak antara Jumadil (akhir) dan Sya’ban.”[2]

Jadi empat bulan suci yang dimaksud yaitu (1) Dzulqo’dah; (2) Dzulhijjah; (3) Muharram; dan (4) Rajab.  Oleh karena itu bulan Muharram termasuk bulan haram.

Di Balik Bulan Haram

Lalu kenapa bulan-bulan tersebut disebut bulan haram? Al Qodhi Abu Ya’la rahimahullah mengatakan, ”Dinamakan bulan haram karena dua makna, Yakni

Pertama, pada bulan tersebut diharamkan berbagai pembunuhan. Orang-orang Jahiliyyah pun meyakini demikian.

Kedua, pada bulan tersebut larangan untuk melakukan perbuatan haram lebih ditekankan daripada bulan yang lainnya karena mulianya bulan tersebut. Demikian pula pada saat itu sangatlah baik untuk melakukan amalan ketaatan.”[3]

Karena pada saat itu yaitu waktu sangat baik untuk melakukan amalan ketaatan, sampai-sampai para salaf sangat suka untuk melakukan puasa pada bulan haram. Sufyan Ats Tsauri mengatakan, ”Pada bulan-bulan haram, aku sangat senang berpuasa di dalamnya.”
Ibnu ’Abbas mengatakan, ”Allah mengkhususkan empat bulan tersebut sebagai bulan haram, dianggap sebagai bulan suci, melakukan maksiat pada bulan tersebut dosanya akan lebih besar, dan amalan sholeh yang dilakukan akan menuai pahala yang lebih banyak.”[4]

Bulan Muharram yaitu Syahrullah (Bulan Allah)

Suri tauladan dan panutan kita, Rasulullah shallallahu ’alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

أَفْضَلُ الصِّيَامِ بَعْدَ رَمَضَانَ شَهْرُ اللَّهِ الْمُحَرَّمُ وَأَفْضَلُ الصَّلاَةِ بَعْدَ الْفَرِيضَةِ صَلاَةُ اللَّيْلِ

Puasa yang paling utama setelah (puasa) Ramadhan yaitu puasa pada syahrullah (bulan Allah) yaitu Muharram. Sementara shalat yang paling utama setelah shalat wajib yaitu shalat malam.”[5]

Bulan Muharram betul-betul istimewa karena disebut syahrullah yaitu bulan Allah, dengan disandarkan pada lafazh jalalah Allah. Karena disandarkannya bulan ini pada lafazh jalalah Allah, inilah yang menunjukkan keagungan dan keistimewaannya.[6]

Perkataan yang sangat bagus dari As Zamakhsyari, kami nukil dari Faidhul Qodir (2/53), beliau rahimahullah mengatakan, ”Bulan Muharram ini disebut syahrullah (bulan Allah), disandarkan pada lafazh jalalah ’Allah’ untuk menunjukkan mulia dan agungnya bulan tersebut, sebagaimana pula kita menyebut ’Baitullah’ (rumah Allah) atau ’Alullah’ (keluarga Allah) ketika menyebut Quraisy. Penyandaran yang khusus di sini dan tidak kita temui pada bulan-bulan lainnya, ini menunjukkan adanya keutamaan pada bulan tersebut. Bulan Muharram inilah yang menggunakan nama Islami. Nama bulan ini sebelumnya yaitu Shofar Al Awwal. Bulan lainnya masih menggunakan nama Jahiliyah, sedangkan bulan inilah yang memakai nama islami dan disebut Muharram. Bulan ini yaitu seutama-utamanya bulan untuk berpuasa penuh setelah bulan Ramadhan. Adapun melakukan puasa tathowwu’ (puasa sunnah) pada sebagian bulan, maka itu masih lebih utama daripada melakukan puasa sunnah pada sebagian hari seperti pada hari Arofah dan 10 Muharram. Inilah yang disebutkan oleh Ibnu Rojab. Bulan Muharram memiliki keistimewaan demikian karena bulan ini yaitu bulan pertama dalam setahun dan pembuka tahun.”[7]

Al Hafizh Abul Fadhl Al ’Iroqiy mengatakan dalam Syarh Tirmidzi, ”Apa hikmah bulan Muharram disebut dengan syahrullah (bulan Allah), padahal semua bulan yaitu milik Allah?”

Beliau rahimahullah menjawab, ”Disebut demikian karena di bulan Muharram ini diharamkan pembunuhan. Juga bulan Muharram yaitu bulan pertama dalam setahun. Bulan ini disandarkan pada Allah (sehingga disebut syahrullah atau bulan Allah, pen) untuk menunjukkan istimewanya bulan ini. Dan Nabi shallallahu ’alaihi wa sallam sendiri tidak pernah menyandarkan bulan lain pada Allah Ta’ala kecuali bulan Allah (yaitu Muharram).[8]

Dengan melihat penjelasan Az Zamakhsyari dan Abul Fadhl Al ’Iroqiy di atas, jelaslah bahwa bulan Muharram yaitu bulan yang sangat utama dan istimewa.

Menyambut Tahun Baru Hijriyah

Dalam menghadapi tahun baru hijriyah atau bulan Muharram, sebagian kaum muslimin salah dalam menyikapinya. Bila tahun baru Masehi disambut begitu megah dan meriah, maka mengapa kita selaku umat Islam tidak menyambut tahun baru Islam semeriah tahun baru masehi dengan perayaan atau pun amalan?

Satu hal yang mesti diingat bahwa sudah semestinya kita mencukupkan diri dengan ajaran Nabi dan para sahabatnya. Jika mereka tidak melakukan amalan tertentu dalam menyambut tahun baru Hijriyah, maka sudah seharusnya kita pun mengikuti mereka dalam hal ini. Bukankah para ulama Ahlus Sunnah seringkali menguatarakan sebuah kalimat,

لَوْ كَانَ خَيرْاً لَسَبَقُوْنَا إِلَيْهِ

Seandainya amalan tersebut baik, tentu mereka (para sahabat) sudah mendahului kita melakukannya.”[9] Inilah perkataan para ulama pada setiap amalan atau perbuatan yang tidak pernah dilakukan oleh para sahabat. Mereka menggolongkan perbuatan semacam ini sebagai bid’ah. Karena para sahabat tidaklah melihat suatu kebaikan kecuali mereka akan segera melakukannya.[10]

Sejauh yang kami tahu, tidak ada amalan tertentu yang dikhususkan untuk menyambut tahun baru hijriyah. Dan kadang amalan yang dilakukan oleh sebagian kaum muslimin dalam menyambut tahun baru Hijriyah yaitu amalan yang tidak ada tuntunannya karena sama sekali tidak berdasarkan dalil atau jika ada dalil, dalilnya pun lemah.

Amalan Keliru dalam Menyambut Awal Tahun Hijriyah

Amalan Pertama: Do’a awal dan akhir tahun

Amalan seperti ini sebenarnya tidak ada tuntunannya sama sekali. Amalan ini tidak pernah dilakukan oleh Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, para sahabat, tabi’in dan ulama-ulama besar lainnya. Amalan ini juga tidak kita temui pada kitab-kitab hadits atau musnad. Bahkan amalan do’a ini hanyalah karangan para ahli ibadah yang tidak mengerti hadits.

Yang lebih parah lagi, fadhilah atau keutamaan do’a ini sebenarnya tidak berasal dari wahyu sama sekali, bahkan yang membuat-buat hadits tersebut telah berdusta atas nama Allah dan Rasul-Nya.

Jadi mana mungkin amalan seperti ini diamalkan.[11]

Amalan kedua: Puasa awal dan akhir tahun
Sebagian orang ada yang mengkhsuskan puasa dalam di akhir bulan Dzulhijah dan awal tahun Hijriyah. Inilah puasa yang dikenal dengan puasa awal dan akhir tahun. Dalil yang digunakan yaitu berikut ini.

مَنْ صَامَ آخِرَ يَوْمٍ مِنْ ذِي الحِجَّةِ ، وَأَوَّلِ يَوْمٍ مِنَ المُحَرَّمِ فَقَدْ خَتَمَ السَّنَةَ المَاضِيَةَ بِصَوْمٍ ، وَافْتَتَحَ السَّنَةُ المُسْتَقْبِلَةُ بِصَوْمٍ ، جَعَلَ اللهُ لَهُ كَفَارَةٌ خَمْسِيْنَ سَنَةً

Barang siapa yang berpuasa sehari pada akhir dari bulan Dzuhijjah dan puasa sehari pada awal dari bulan Muharrom, maka ia sungguh-sungguh telah menutup tahun yang lalu dengan puasa dan membuka tahun yang akan datang dengan puasa. Dan Allah ta’ala menjadikan kaffarot/tertutup dosanya selama 50 tahun.”

Lalu bagaimana penilaian ulama pakar hadits mengenai riwayat di atas:

Adz Dzahabi dalam Tartib Al Mawdhu’at (181)  mengatakan bahwa Al Juwaibari dan gurunya –Wahb bin Wahb- yang meriwayatkan hadits ini termasuk pemalsu hadits.

Asy Syaukani dalam Al Fawa-id Al Majmu’ah (96) mengatan bahwa ada dua perowi yang pendusta yang meriwayatkan hadits ini.

Ibnul Jauzi dalam Mawdhu’at (2/566) mengatakan bahwa Al Juwaibari dan Wahb yang meriwayatkan hadits ini yaitu seorang pendusta dan pemalsu hadits.[12]
Kesimpulannya hadits yang menceritakan keutamaan puasa awal dan akhir tahun yaitu hadits yang lemah yang tidak bisa dijadikan dalil dalam amalan. Sehingga tidak perlu mengkhususkan puasa pada awal dan akhir tahun karena haditsnya jelas-jelas lemah.

Amalan Ketiga: Memeriahkan Tahun Baru Hijriyah

Merayakan tahun baru hijriyah dengan pesta kembang api, mengkhususkan dzikir jama’i, mengkhususkan shalat tasbih, mengkhususkan pengajian tertentu dalam rangka memperingati tahun baru hijriyah, menyalakan lilin, atau  membuat pesta makan, jelas yaitu sesuatu yang tidak ada tuntunannya. Karena penyambutan tahun hijriyah semacam ini tidak pernah dicontohkan oleh Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Utsman, ‘Ali, para sahabat lainnya, para tabi’in dan para ulama sesudahnya. Yang memeriahkan tahun baru hijriyah sebenarnya hanya ingin menandingi tahun baru masehi yang dirayakan oleh Nashrani. Padahal perbuatan semacam ini jelas-jelas telah menyerupai mereka (orang kafir). Secara gamblang Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

مَنْ تَشَبَّهَ بِقَوْمٍ فَهُوَ مِنْهُمْ

Barangsiapa yang menyerupai suatu kaum, maka dia termasuk bagian dari mereka”[13]

Menyambut tahun baru hijriyah bukanlah dengan memperingatinya dan memeriahkannya. Namun yang harus kita ingat yaitu dengan bertambahnya waktu, maka semakin dekat pula kematian.

Sungguh hidup di dunia hanyalah sesaat dan semakin bertambahnya waktu kematian pun semakin dekat. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

مَا لِى وَمَا لِلدُّنْيَا مَا أَنَا فِى الدُّنْيَا إِلاَّ كَرَاكِبٍ اسْتَظَلَّ تَحْتَ شَجَرَةٍ ثُمَّ رَاحَ وَتَرَكَهَا

Aku tidaklah mencintai dunia dan tidak pula mengharap-harap darinya. Adapun aku tinggal di dunia tidak lain seperti pengendara yang berteduh di bawah pohon dan beristirahat, lalu meninggalkannya.”[14]

Hasan Al Bashri mengatakan, “Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya kalian hanya memiliki beberapa hari. Tatkala satu hari hilang, akan hilang pula sebagian darimu.”[15]
Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan di tengah keterasingan. Segala puji bagi Allah yang dengan nikmat-Nya segala kebaikan menjadi sempurna.
Semoga bermanfaat

Sumber : rumaysho.com

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As part of the Paris package, these deals include airport shuttles, sightseeing options and travel options. Another option is to read guide reviews to select for the best luxury hotels Paris France. Before selecting the best Paris luxury hotels, there are a few things which must be kept in mind. For instance, you must choose the right time of the year to visit Paris as it would directly impact on your accommodation and travel cost. The travel and accommodation costs are at a peak during the spring season as most of the tourists visit Paris during that time. Thus if an incredible yet affordable Holiday Paris is what you are looking for then you must choose best hotels in Paris any time of the year besides the spring season. Winter season, with the exception of Christmas, the months of July and August are certainly the best months to Holiday in Paris. These months being the off season, can help you get the best Paris hotel deals. It is also important to do a little study on the various hotels so that you can easily get good promotional deals and good bargain with the best hotels in Paris. For this purpose, you must check out the websites of all the hotels that are in your list of best Paris hotels. Visiting the website can help you a lot in many ways; like it can help you get the reviews of various guests who have stayed in the hotels de Paris thus assisting you in choosing the best Paris hotels. You must also make sure that your accommodation charges cover for the breakfast and that the breakfast is good enough lest you should be spending extra for the breakfast and not eating it too. While selecting one of the best Europe luxury hotels, also make sure that you check for its location. Usually the hotels which are near to any monuments or landmarks are very expensive. It is under your scrutiny to decide whether you want a view of these monuments or not from your Paris Luxury hotel balcony. Thus, you should opt for other luxury hotels Paris France which are not nearer to these monuments for getting the best Paris hotels deals. Pack your bags and go for your dream vacation. Have a memorable stay in the city of lights, Paris. Mike Greaves is a self-made entrepreneur, a well known travel consultant and internet marketer. Over the years he has travelled across the world and has numerous writings credited to his name in many renowned publications. His areas of writing include travel experiences including reviews of best hotels in Paris, best beach resorts and luxury hotels in Paris. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2365049 Best Hotel Views in Paris France's city of love has some of the most luxurious hotels with fantastic views. Here are some of the best: Radisson Blu Situated in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the Radisson Blu is close to the Trocadero and offers astounding views of the infamous Eiffel Tower. Relatively small for a chain hotel, the hotel has 38 uber cool rooms that combine comfort and style with a convenient crash pad. There is a wellness centre that has a swimming pool with a wave machine and also a hammam. Mediterranean cuisine is served in the Metropolitan restaurant whilst the piece de resistance can be found at the hotel Lounge bar, which has wonderful views of the city. Hotel de Banville Hotel de Banville's location is slightly off the beaten track in terms of wandering Parisian streets yet it is still within walking distance of Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. The art deco façade leads to some truly contemporary design inside the hotel from the quirky lobby to the uber chic rooms. Close to local amenities that offer a truly French experience, the hotel is ideal for those looking for a bit of quiet away from the touristy bustle. For the real wow factor, book into Amelie's room and enjoy coffee and croissants on the terrace with the Eiffel tower, Sacre Coeur and Arc de Triomphe in the background. Parfait. Plaza Athenee This five-star luxury hotel in Paris is part of the Dorchester Hotel Collection. Beautiful flowers adorn ornate windows at the front of the hotel creating a warm and inviting façade. Close to the main shopping street of the Champs Elysees the Plaza Athenee has long been a favorite of the rich and famous and has well and having truly established itself over the years as a classic Parisian hotel. Dine in the hotel restaurant, Alain Ducasse Restaurant, at the Plaza Athenee where guests can dine on a delectable range of French cuisines. Hotel Eiffel Seine Nestled within the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, the Hotel Eiffel Seine couldn't be any better located for first time visitors to Paris wanting to see the sights. A renovated Art Nouveau boutique style hotel. Monochrome themes sit beside flashes of red which add a warmth to the décor and comfortable rooms offer a much needed home from home. The hotel website offers great advice on exploring the neighbourhood by foot and the buffet breakfast should provide more than enough energy to do so. Les Jardins d'Eiffel Les Jardins d'Eiffel is a three-star hotel located close to the Invalids and Eiffel Tower. Most of the 80 rooms have balconies or terraces and stunning views of the infamous landmark. There is a quiet courtyard where guests can escape the frantic French streets and rest tired feet after hard days exploring the city. The buffet breakfast is complementary and can be served in the garden on days when the weather permits. Tom Ingrams is a travel writer who specialises in the higher end of the market, paying particular attention to boutique and luxury hotels. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4625887 Paris Hotels The fashion capital of the world and the city of dreams, Paris attracts hordes of tourists and business travelers to its ethereal realms every year. A marvelous and spectacularly beautiful city, Paris embodies all that is ancient and magnificent, ultra-modern and chic of European culture. While the Louvre is visited by art and sculpture lovers and enthusiasts of the world, the Rue Saint-Honore and the Champs Elysees are thronged by globetrotters and shopaholics who patronize haute couture and who like to regale themselves at nightclubs. Paris is dotted with numerous hotels. The various Paris hotels offer excellent accommodation to the travelers who arrive at this historic European city for holidaymaking, attending art conferences and for business. Luxury Paris Hotels The many Paris hotels that are located in the heart of the city, in close proximity to the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre museum, on Champs Elysees and Rue Saint-Honore, the celebrated Eiffel Tower, Place de la Concorde, Tuileries Garden, the Elysee Palace, the Invalides Museum, the Seine river that cuts across Paris, and the other renowned landmarks of Paris are obviously the most expensive and the plushest hotels of the city. Some of the best luxury Paris hotels are the Hotel Plaza Athenee, Hotel Pont Royal, Hotel Le Meurice, Tiara Chateau Hotel Mont Royal, Hotel de Crillion, Radisson Blu Le Dokhan's Hotel, The Westin Paris, La Tremoille, Hyatt Regency Madeleine, Hotel du Louvre, Trianon Palace Versailles, Sofitel Paris Arc de Triomphe, etc. The luxury Paris hotels charge anything from € 610 to €20,000 per day according to the rooms and suites that you choose to stay in. These hotels of Paris provide grand luxury to their inmates. Each of the rooms and suites are gloriously furnished and opulently decorated. Whether you've booked just a single room or the Presidential suite, you'll feel that you're re-living history and living like one of the Parisian monarchs, in the luxury Paris hotels. The architecture of each of the modern luxury Paris hotels resembles that of some medieval palace or imposing medieval edifice of Paris in one way or the other. So it'll not be surprising if you feel like Louis XIV or Napoleon Bonaparte while traversing through the rooms of a luxury Paris hotel. Though equipped with modern and hi-tech amenities for the comfort of the 21st century traveler, the luxurious hotels of Paris represent the medieval spirit of the Palace of Versailles, the fascinating beauty of the exhibits of the Louvre, the exquisite workmanship of the Notre Dame and the intellectual superiority of the Montmartre in their halls, rooms, their decor and in their milieu. Conference Facilities, Banqueting, Weddings and Fashion Shows in Luxury Paris Hotels Needless to say, the luxury hotels of the city are great places for historic meetings and rendezvous. These hotels boast of spacious and elaborate conference and banquet halls equipped with the smartest audiovisual gadgets so that meetings may be conducted seamlessly. It's an altogether different experience to conduct or attend meetings amidst gorgeous surroundings, intricately carved statues, sculptures and caryatids in the meeting rooms of these Parisian hotels. While transporting you to a bygone age, the meeting rooms in these hotels help you to experience the advantages of cutting-edge technology when you're hosting and participating in interactive conferences. Meeting room layouts in these hotels can be arranged as you wish and according to which Parisian landmark you'd like your meeting attendees to get a glimpse of in the course of the meeting: the Eiffel Tower, the Tuilleries Garden or the Louvre. The luxury hotels of Paris are also perfect venues for celebrating weddings and for hosting parties and fashion shows. The luxury Paris hotels employ the talents of the best chefs of Paris who dish out their amazing and mouthwatering creations at banquets, parties, weddings and conference luncheons and dinners hosted in the hotels. Medium-Priced Paris Hotels These hotels are situated on highways, near the Charles de Gaulle Airport of Paris or in places in the city from where long-distance traveling is essential to get to downtown Paris and the various tourist hotspots of Paris. Medium-priced hotels in Paris are good hotels and offer fine accommodation facilities to their guests. They are well decorated but not opulently decorated. The décor in medium-priced Parisian hotels is modern and posh and focuses more on utility than on grandeur. Medium-priced hotels afford their guests an extremely comfortable stay as rooms and suites in these hotels are equipped with all the modern amenities. The medium-priced hotels of Paris are generally 3 and 4 star hotels. The medium-priced Paris hotels are noted particularly for the sumptuous breakfasts that they serve their guests every morning. Sumptuous breakfasts, in Parisian hotels, are included with the room charges and are not extra as they are in the London hotels. Breakfast halls are typically roomy and divided into many segments so that different groups of tourists can sit in the different segments, while they eat. Breakfasts are well-laid out and include meat as well as non-meat products. Different kinds of French cheese; fruits, fruit juice; a variety of French bread including baguettes and croissants with generous helpings of butter, marmalade, pork-spread and jam; different preparations of egg such as French omelets, scrambled eggs, fried eggs and boiled eggs; milk, cream; cereals such as cornflakes and porridge; pork products such as grilled and deep-fried bacon, smoked and grilled sausages, ham and salami; and beverages such as tea and coffee are what you'll see in the breakfast halls of medium-priced Paris hotels every morning, when you wake up, bleary-eyed and eager for a hearty meal. Hotel guests of these hotels have often praised the kitchen staff of these hotels for serving tasty and filling breakfasts, luncheons and dinners. Medium-priced Paris hotels charge anything from € 102 to € 500 per day. Some of the most famous medium-priced Paris hotels are Express by Holiday Inn, Lille Center, Abba Montparnasse Hotel, Baltimore Paris Hotel, Astra Opera Hotel, Best Western Etoile Saint Honoré Hotel, Best Western Premier Elysées Bassano Hotel, Castille Paris Hotel, Metropol Hotel, Modern Lafayette Hotel, etc. Meeting Facilities in Medium-Priced Paris Hotels All medium-priced Paris hotels are equipped with meeting rooms and conference facilities. The meeting rooms in such Paris hotels are equipped with hi-tech audiovisual gadgets so that meetings may be conducted, effortlessly. The seating arrangements in the conference halls may be designed as you wish, in boardroom, U shaped, cabaret, classroom or in other styles. All medium-priced Paris hotels are equipped with Business Centers which are operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the benefit of conference hosts, presenters and attendees. Budget and Cheap Paris Hotels The budget Paris hotels are also known as the cheap Paris hotels. These hotels are plainly decorated and are ideal for travelers who travel on a strict budget. Rooms in these hotels are equipped with basic amenities. Many of the cheap hotels of Paris are located in the Montmartre area of Paris, the artists' quarter and the various flea markets of Paris. The Montmartre area and the Latin quarters near the world famous University of Paris, Sorbonne, are inhabited by intellectuals and students who prefer living on a tight budget. So, the cheapest hotels of Paris which are situated in these areas offer several advantages to their inmates. The Ile de la Cite of Paris epitomizes the quaint culture and charms of Paris. Several cheap Parisian hotels have cropped up here too. The Ile de la Cite houses the famous Notre Dame and other well-known landmarks. Many famous museums of Paris, other than the Louvre, are located in the vicinity of the Ile de la Cite. These are the Musee d'Orsay and the Musee De La Conciergerie. The guests of the cheap hotels hence have a wonderful time visiting the repositories and their breathtaking works and sightseeing in these picturesque parts of Paris. There is a distinct advantage of living in the budget hotels of the city because these Paris hotels encapsulate the tasteful and lively culture of Paris. As they are located in the crowded areas of Paris near the museums and universities, the hubs of intellectual learning and culture, they offer endless opportunities to their guests to explore the nooks and crannies of Paris, to get the feel and pulse of the city, it's rich and variegated history, its myriad etiquette, cuisines, artworks, the romantic spirit of the sculptures that adorn the city, every now and then. The cheap Paris hotels ask for anything between € 30 and € 150 for a single night's stay. Paris is a truly enchanting city. Its romantic aura encompasses you the moment you step into the city. Every boulevard, every sidewalk, thoroughfare, every street corner of Paris is a treat for the eye of the discerning tourist. Whether you're parading the Grande Gallery of the Louvre or admiring the fabulous interiors of the Palace of Versailles, whether you're getting your picture painted in the Montmartre or just gazing at the Egyptian obelisk in the Place de la Concorde, you'll always be surrounded by the rich heritage of Paris, a heritage that's inextricably interwoven with the city, its people and its monuments. And all the Paris hotels, however modern or sophisticated, try to be the archetype of the city's wonderful past. So it's no wonder that tourists feel the turmoil and turbulence of the Bastille, hear the screams and shrieks of guillotine victims, and perceive the sounds of Louis's hundred horsemen clip-clopping on the roads of Paris while they roam in Paris or when they reside at the Paris hotels. Damien Ghosh is a prolific writer of articles that focus on technology, places and people. Damien has worked in different industries such as the information technology industry, the travel and tourism industry and the retail industry. He has worked in several projects for blue-chip companies, that are part of the IT, travel and tourism and retail industries. His work and his passion for traveling has made him journey throughout the world. He has led large work-teams to accomplish business goals successfully. His rich experience undoubtedly helps him to write extensively. Damien writes for magazines, the web and for newspapers. His articles have received lots of accolades from critics and readers. Damien Ghosh's website is [https://www.meetingdiary.com] and his email is [damienghosh@live.com]. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3656171 hotel's in paris hotels in paris hotels in paris agoda hotels in paris near champs elysees 3 star hotels in paris near metro stations hotels in paris with eiffel tower view and balcony hotels in paris facing eiffel tower hotels in paris with smoking rooms hotels in paris luxury hotels in paris near eiffel tower hotel in paris hotel in paris france hotel in paris near eiffel tower hotel in paris cheap hotel in paris with eiffel tower view hotel in paris günstig hotel in paris airport hotel in paris disneyland hotel in paris near disneyland hotel in paris central hotel in paris booking hotels in paris arkansas hotels in paris ar hotels in paris airport charles de gaulle hotels in paris airbnb hotels in paris all inclusive hotels in paris arrondissement 1 hotels in paris arrondissement 7 hotels in paris arrondissement 6 hotels in paris and prices hotels in paris avenue kleber hotels in paris around eiffel tower hotels in paris 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Iklan Tengah Artikel 1

The Best Hotel Deals in Paris Paris, along with being the capital of France is also famous as one of the most romantic cities of the world having the Eiffel Tower, the epitome of love and hotels de Paris. Paris is also the fashion hub of the world and every year it attracts millions of tourists and travelers from across the world because of its monuments, best hotels in Paris, historic centers and museums. Undoubtedly with the regular flow of tourists and travelers the Paris hotels strive constantly in order to provide the most lucrative and the best Paris hotels deals to their customers. Paris has some of the best Europe luxury hotels with each having its own style and charisma. Luxury hotels in Paris provide the best accommodation, ultimate delicious cuisine, world class service and adventurous recreational events. Thus it becomes very important to check for the best Paris hotel deals before planning the trip. As part of the Paris package, these deals include airport shuttles, sightseeing options and travel options. Another option is to read guide reviews to select for the best luxury hotels Paris France. Before selecting the best Paris luxury hotels, there are a few things which must be kept in mind. For instance, you must choose the right time of the year to visit Paris as it would directly impact on your accommodation and travel cost. The travel and accommodation costs are at a peak during the spring season as most of the tourists visit Paris during that time. Thus if an incredible yet affordable Holiday Paris is what you are looking for then you must choose best hotels in Paris any time of the year besides the spring season. Winter season, with the exception of Christmas, the months of July and August are certainly the best months to Holiday in Paris. These months being the off season, can help you get the best Paris hotel deals. It is also important to do a little study on the various hotels so that you can easily get good promotional deals and good bargain with the best hotels in Paris. For this purpose, you must check out the websites of all the hotels that are in your list of best Paris hotels. Visiting the website can help you a lot in many ways; like it can help you get the reviews of various guests who have stayed in the hotels de Paris thus assisting you in choosing the best Paris hotels. You must also make sure that your accommodation charges cover for the breakfast and that the breakfast is good enough lest you should be spending extra for the breakfast and not eating it too. While selecting one of the best Europe luxury hotels, also make sure that you check for its location. Usually the hotels which are near to any monuments or landmarks are very expensive. It is under your scrutiny to decide whether you want a view of these monuments or not from your Paris Luxury hotel balcony. Thus, you should opt for other luxury hotels Paris France which are not nearer to these monuments for getting the best Paris hotels deals. Pack your bags and go for your dream vacation. Have a memorable stay in the city of lights, Paris. Mike Greaves is a self-made entrepreneur, a well known travel consultant and internet marketer. Over the years he has travelled across the world and has numerous writings credited to his name in many renowned publications. His areas of writing include travel experiences including reviews of best hotels in Paris, best beach resorts and luxury hotels in Paris. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2365049 Best Hotel Views in Paris France's city of love has some of the most luxurious hotels with fantastic views. Here are some of the best: Radisson Blu Situated in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the Radisson Blu is close to the Trocadero and offers astounding views of the infamous Eiffel Tower. Relatively small for a chain hotel, the hotel has 38 uber cool rooms that combine comfort and style with a convenient crash pad. There is a wellness centre that has a swimming pool with a wave machine and also a hammam. Mediterranean cuisine is served in the Metropolitan restaurant whilst the piece de resistance can be found at the hotel Lounge bar, which has wonderful views of the city. Hotel de Banville Hotel de Banville's location is slightly off the beaten track in terms of wandering Parisian streets yet it is still within walking distance of Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. The art deco façade leads to some truly contemporary design inside the hotel from the quirky lobby to the uber chic rooms. Close to local amenities that offer a truly French experience, the hotel is ideal for those looking for a bit of quiet away from the touristy bustle. For the real wow factor, book into Amelie's room and enjoy coffee and croissants on the terrace with the Eiffel tower, Sacre Coeur and Arc de Triomphe in the background. Parfait. Plaza Athenee This five-star luxury hotel in Paris is part of the Dorchester Hotel Collection. Beautiful flowers adorn ornate windows at the front of the hotel creating a warm and inviting façade. Close to the main shopping street of the Champs Elysees the Plaza Athenee has long been a favorite of the rich and famous and has well and having truly established itself over the years as a classic Parisian hotel. Dine in the hotel restaurant, Alain Ducasse Restaurant, at the Plaza Athenee where guests can dine on a delectable range of French cuisines. Hotel Eiffel Seine Nestled within the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, the Hotel Eiffel Seine couldn't be any better located for first time visitors to Paris wanting to see the sights. A renovated Art Nouveau boutique style hotel. Monochrome themes sit beside flashes of red which add a warmth to the décor and comfortable rooms offer a much needed home from home. The hotel website offers great advice on exploring the neighbourhood by foot and the buffet breakfast should provide more than enough energy to do so. Les Jardins d'Eiffel Les Jardins d'Eiffel is a three-star hotel located close to the Invalids and Eiffel Tower. Most of the 80 rooms have balconies or terraces and stunning views of the infamous landmark. There is a quiet courtyard where guests can escape the frantic French streets and rest tired feet after hard days exploring the city. The buffet breakfast is complementary and can be served in the garden on days when the weather permits. Tom Ingrams is a travel writer who specialises in the higher end of the market, paying particular attention to boutique and luxury hotels. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4625887 Paris Hotels The fashion capital of the world and the city of dreams, Paris attracts hordes of tourists and business travelers to its ethereal realms every year. A marvelous and spectacularly beautiful city, Paris embodies all that is ancient and magnificent, ultra-modern and chic of European culture. While the Louvre is visited by art and sculpture lovers and enthusiasts of the world, the Rue Saint-Honore and the Champs Elysees are thronged by globetrotters and shopaholics who patronize haute couture and who like to regale themselves at nightclubs. Paris is dotted with numerous hotels. The various Paris hotels offer excellent accommodation to the travelers who arrive at this historic European city for holidaymaking, attending art conferences and for business. Luxury Paris Hotels The many Paris hotels that are located in the heart of the city, in close proximity to the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre museum, on Champs Elysees and Rue Saint-Honore, the celebrated Eiffel Tower, Place de la Concorde, Tuileries Garden, the Elysee Palace, the Invalides Museum, the Seine river that cuts across Paris, and the other renowned landmarks of Paris are obviously the most expensive and the plushest hotels of the city. Some of the best luxury Paris hotels are the Hotel Plaza Athenee, Hotel Pont Royal, Hotel Le Meurice, Tiara Chateau Hotel Mont Royal, Hotel de Crillion, Radisson Blu Le Dokhan's Hotel, The Westin Paris, La Tremoille, Hyatt Regency Madeleine, Hotel du Louvre, Trianon Palace Versailles, Sofitel Paris Arc de Triomphe, etc. The luxury Paris hotels charge anything from € 610 to €20,000 per day according to the rooms and suites that you choose to stay in. These hotels of Paris provide grand luxury to their inmates. Each of the rooms and suites are gloriously furnished and opulently decorated. Whether you've booked just a single room or the Presidential suite, you'll feel that you're re-living history and living like one of the Parisian monarchs, in the luxury Paris hotels. The architecture of each of the modern luxury Paris hotels resembles that of some medieval palace or imposing medieval edifice of Paris in one way or the other. So it'll not be surprising if you feel like Louis XIV or Napoleon Bonaparte while traversing through the rooms of a luxury Paris hotel. Though equipped with modern and hi-tech amenities for the comfort of the 21st century traveler, the luxurious hotels of Paris represent the medieval spirit of the Palace of Versailles, the fascinating beauty of the exhibits of the Louvre, the exquisite workmanship of the Notre Dame and the intellectual superiority of the Montmartre in their halls, rooms, their decor and in their milieu. Conference Facilities, Banqueting, Weddings and Fashion Shows in Luxury Paris Hotels Needless to say, the luxury hotels of the city are great places for historic meetings and rendezvous. These hotels boast of spacious and elaborate conference and banquet halls equipped with the smartest audiovisual gadgets so that meetings may be conducted seamlessly. It's an altogether different experience to conduct or attend meetings amidst gorgeous surroundings, intricately carved statues, sculptures and caryatids in the meeting rooms of these Parisian hotels. While transporting you to a bygone age, the meeting rooms in these hotels help you to experience the advantages of cutting-edge technology when you're hosting and participating in interactive conferences. Meeting room layouts in these hotels can be arranged as you wish and according to which Parisian landmark you'd like your meeting attendees to get a glimpse of in the course of the meeting: the Eiffel Tower, the Tuilleries Garden or the Louvre. The luxury hotels of Paris are also perfect venues for celebrating weddings and for hosting parties and fashion shows. The luxury Paris hotels employ the talents of the best chefs of Paris who dish out their amazing and mouthwatering creations at banquets, parties, weddings and conference luncheons and dinners hosted in the hotels. Medium-Priced Paris Hotels These hotels are situated on highways, near the Charles de Gaulle Airport of Paris or in places in the city from where long-distance traveling is essential to get to downtown Paris and the various tourist hotspots of Paris. Medium-priced hotels in Paris are good hotels and offer fine accommodation facilities to their guests. They are well decorated but not opulently decorated. The décor in medium-priced Parisian hotels is modern and posh and focuses more on utility than on grandeur. Medium-priced hotels afford their guests an extremely comfortable stay as rooms and suites in these hotels are equipped with all the modern amenities. The medium-priced hotels of Paris are generally 3 and 4 star hotels. The medium-priced Paris hotels are noted particularly for the sumptuous breakfasts that they serve their guests every morning. Sumptuous breakfasts, in Parisian hotels, are included with the room charges and are not extra as they are in the London hotels. Breakfast halls are typically roomy and divided into many segments so that different groups of tourists can sit in the different segments, while they eat. Breakfasts are well-laid out and include meat as well as non-meat products. Different kinds of French cheese; fruits, fruit juice; a variety of French bread including baguettes and croissants with generous helpings of butter, marmalade, pork-spread and jam; different preparations of egg such as French omelets, scrambled eggs, fried eggs and boiled eggs; milk, cream; cereals such as cornflakes and porridge; pork products such as grilled and deep-fried bacon, smoked and grilled sausages, ham and salami; and beverages such as tea and coffee are what you'll see in the breakfast halls of medium-priced Paris hotels every morning, when you wake up, bleary-eyed and eager for a hearty meal. Hotel guests of these hotels have often praised the kitchen staff of these hotels for serving tasty and filling breakfasts, luncheons and dinners. Medium-priced Paris hotels charge anything from € 102 to € 500 per day. Some of the most famous medium-priced Paris hotels are Express by Holiday Inn, Lille Center, Abba Montparnasse Hotel, Baltimore Paris Hotel, Astra Opera Hotel, Best Western Etoile Saint Honoré Hotel, Best Western Premier Elysées Bassano Hotel, Castille Paris Hotel, Metropol Hotel, Modern Lafayette Hotel, etc. Meeting Facilities in Medium-Priced Paris Hotels All medium-priced Paris hotels are equipped with meeting rooms and conference facilities. The meeting rooms in such Paris hotels are equipped with hi-tech audiovisual gadgets so that meetings may be conducted, effortlessly. The seating arrangements in the conference halls may be designed as you wish, in boardroom, U shaped, cabaret, classroom or in other styles. All medium-priced Paris hotels are equipped with Business Centers which are operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the benefit of conference hosts, presenters and attendees. Budget and Cheap Paris Hotels The budget Paris hotels are also known as the cheap Paris hotels. These hotels are plainly decorated and are ideal for travelers who travel on a strict budget. Rooms in these hotels are equipped with basic amenities. Many of the cheap hotels of Paris are located in the Montmartre area of Paris, the artists' quarter and the various flea markets of Paris. The Montmartre area and the Latin quarters near the world famous University of Paris, Sorbonne, are inhabited by intellectuals and students who prefer living on a tight budget. So, the cheapest hotels of Paris which are situated in these areas offer several advantages to their inmates. The Ile de la Cite of Paris epitomizes the quaint culture and charms of Paris. Several cheap Parisian hotels have cropped up here too. The Ile de la Cite houses the famous Notre Dame and other well-known landmarks. Many famous museums of Paris, other than the Louvre, are located in the vicinity of the Ile de la Cite. These are the Musee d'Orsay and the Musee De La Conciergerie. The guests of the cheap hotels hence have a wonderful time visiting the repositories and their breathtaking works and sightseeing in these picturesque parts of Paris. There is a distinct advantage of living in the budget hotels of the city because these Paris hotels encapsulate the tasteful and lively culture of Paris. As they are located in the crowded areas of Paris near the museums and universities, the hubs of intellectual learning and culture, they offer endless opportunities to their guests to explore the nooks and crannies of Paris, to get the feel and pulse of the city, it's rich and variegated history, its myriad etiquette, cuisines, artworks, the romantic spirit of the sculptures that adorn the city, every now and then. The cheap Paris hotels ask for anything between € 30 and € 150 for a single night's stay. Paris is a truly enchanting city. Its romantic aura encompasses you the moment you step into the city. Every boulevard, every sidewalk, thoroughfare, every street corner of Paris is a treat for the eye of the discerning tourist. Whether you're parading the Grande Gallery of the Louvre or admiring the fabulous interiors of the Palace of Versailles, whether you're getting your picture painted in the Montmartre or just gazing at the Egyptian obelisk in the Place de la Concorde, you'll always be surrounded by the rich heritage of Paris, a heritage that's inextricably interwoven with the city, its people and its monuments. And all the Paris hotels, however modern or sophisticated, try to be the archetype of the city's wonderful past. So it's no wonder that tourists feel the turmoil and turbulence of the Bastille, hear the screams and shrieks of guillotine victims, and perceive the sounds of Louis's hundred horsemen clip-clopping on the roads of Paris while they roam in Paris or when they reside at the Paris hotels. Damien Ghosh is a prolific writer of articles that focus on technology, places and people. Damien has worked in different industries such as the information technology industry, the travel and tourism industry and the retail industry. He has worked in several projects for blue-chip companies, that are part of the IT, travel and tourism and retail industries. His work and his passion for traveling has made him journey throughout the world. He has led large work-teams to accomplish business goals successfully. His rich experience undoubtedly helps him to write extensively. Damien writes for magazines, the web and for newspapers. His articles have received lots of accolades from critics and readers. Damien Ghosh's website is [https://www.meetingdiary.com] and his email is [damienghosh@live.com]. 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Iklan Tengah Artikel 2

The Best Hotel Deals in Paris Paris, along with being the capital of France is also famous as one of the most romantic cities of the world having the Eiffel Tower, the epitome of love and hotels de Paris. Paris is also the fashion hub of the world and every year it attracts millions of tourists and travelers from across the world because of its monuments, best hotels in Paris, historic centers and museums. Undoubtedly with the regular flow of tourists and travelers the Paris hotels strive constantly in order to provide the most lucrative and the best Paris hotels deals to their customers. Paris has some of the best Europe luxury hotels with each having its own style and charisma. Luxury hotels in Paris provide the best accommodation, ultimate delicious cuisine, world class service and adventurous recreational events. Thus it becomes very important to check for the best Paris hotel deals before planning the trip. As part of the Paris package, these deals include airport shuttles, sightseeing options and travel options. Another option is to read guide reviews to select for the best luxury hotels Paris France. Before selecting the best Paris luxury hotels, there are a few things which must be kept in mind. For instance, you must choose the right time of the year to visit Paris as it would directly impact on your accommodation and travel cost. The travel and accommodation costs are at a peak during the spring season as most of the tourists visit Paris during that time. Thus if an incredible yet affordable Holiday Paris is what you are looking for then you must choose best hotels in Paris any time of the year besides the spring season. Winter season, with the exception of Christmas, the months of July and August are certainly the best months to Holiday in Paris. These months being the off season, can help you get the best Paris hotel deals. It is also important to do a little study on the various hotels so that you can easily get good promotional deals and good bargain with the best hotels in Paris. For this purpose, you must check out the websites of all the hotels that are in your list of best Paris hotels. Visiting the website can help you a lot in many ways; like it can help you get the reviews of various guests who have stayed in the hotels de Paris thus assisting you in choosing the best Paris hotels. You must also make sure that your accommodation charges cover for the breakfast and that the breakfast is good enough lest you should be spending extra for the breakfast and not eating it too. While selecting one of the best Europe luxury hotels, also make sure that you check for its location. Usually the hotels which are near to any monuments or landmarks are very expensive. It is under your scrutiny to decide whether you want a view of these monuments or not from your Paris Luxury hotel balcony. Thus, you should opt for other luxury hotels Paris France which are not nearer to these monuments for getting the best Paris hotels deals. Pack your bags and go for your dream vacation. Have a memorable stay in the city of lights, Paris. Mike Greaves is a self-made entrepreneur, a well known travel consultant and internet marketer. Over the years he has travelled across the world and has numerous writings credited to his name in many renowned publications. His areas of writing include travel experiences including reviews of best hotels in Paris, best beach resorts and luxury hotels in Paris. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2365049 Best Hotel Views in Paris France's city of love has some of the most luxurious hotels with fantastic views. Here are some of the best: Radisson Blu Situated in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the Radisson Blu is close to the Trocadero and offers astounding views of the infamous Eiffel Tower. Relatively small for a chain hotel, the hotel has 38 uber cool rooms that combine comfort and style with a convenient crash pad. There is a wellness centre that has a swimming pool with a wave machine and also a hammam. Mediterranean cuisine is served in the Metropolitan restaurant whilst the piece de resistance can be found at the hotel Lounge bar, which has wonderful views of the city. Hotel de Banville Hotel de Banville's location is slightly off the beaten track in terms of wandering Parisian streets yet it is still within walking distance of Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. The art deco façade leads to some truly contemporary design inside the hotel from the quirky lobby to the uber chic rooms. Close to local amenities that offer a truly French experience, the hotel is ideal for those looking for a bit of quiet away from the touristy bustle. For the real wow factor, book into Amelie's room and enjoy coffee and croissants on the terrace with the Eiffel tower, Sacre Coeur and Arc de Triomphe in the background. Parfait. Plaza Athenee This five-star luxury hotel in Paris is part of the Dorchester Hotel Collection. Beautiful flowers adorn ornate windows at the front of the hotel creating a warm and inviting façade. Close to the main shopping street of the Champs Elysees the Plaza Athenee has long been a favorite of the rich and famous and has well and having truly established itself over the years as a classic Parisian hotel. Dine in the hotel restaurant, Alain Ducasse Restaurant, at the Plaza Athenee where guests can dine on a delectable range of French cuisines. Hotel Eiffel Seine Nestled within the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, the Hotel Eiffel Seine couldn't be any better located for first time visitors to Paris wanting to see the sights. A renovated Art Nouveau boutique style hotel. Monochrome themes sit beside flashes of red which add a warmth to the décor and comfortable rooms offer a much needed home from home. The hotel website offers great advice on exploring the neighbourhood by foot and the buffet breakfast should provide more than enough energy to do so. Les Jardins d'Eiffel Les Jardins d'Eiffel is a three-star hotel located close to the Invalids and Eiffel Tower. Most of the 80 rooms have balconies or terraces and stunning views of the infamous landmark. There is a quiet courtyard where guests can escape the frantic French streets and rest tired feet after hard days exploring the city. The buffet breakfast is complementary and can be served in the garden on days when the weather permits. Tom Ingrams is a travel writer who specialises in the higher end of the market, paying particular attention to boutique and luxury hotels. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4625887 Paris Hotels The fashion capital of the world and the city of dreams, Paris attracts hordes of tourists and business travelers to its ethereal realms every year. A marvelous and spectacularly beautiful city, Paris embodies all that is ancient and magnificent, ultra-modern and chic of European culture. While the Louvre is visited by art and sculpture lovers and enthusiasts of the world, the Rue Saint-Honore and the Champs Elysees are thronged by globetrotters and shopaholics who patronize haute couture and who like to regale themselves at nightclubs. Paris is dotted with numerous hotels. The various Paris hotels offer excellent accommodation to the travelers who arrive at this historic European city for holidaymaking, attending art conferences and for business. Luxury Paris Hotels The many Paris hotels that are located in the heart of the city, in close proximity to the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre museum, on Champs Elysees and Rue Saint-Honore, the celebrated Eiffel Tower, Place de la Concorde, Tuileries Garden, the Elysee Palace, the Invalides Museum, the Seine river that cuts across Paris, and the other renowned landmarks of Paris are obviously the most expensive and the plushest hotels of the city. Some of the best luxury Paris hotels are the Hotel Plaza Athenee, Hotel Pont Royal, Hotel Le Meurice, Tiara Chateau Hotel Mont Royal, Hotel de Crillion, Radisson Blu Le Dokhan's Hotel, The Westin Paris, La Tremoille, Hyatt Regency Madeleine, Hotel du Louvre, Trianon Palace Versailles, Sofitel Paris Arc de Triomphe, etc. The luxury Paris hotels charge anything from € 610 to €20,000 per day according to the rooms and suites that you choose to stay in. These hotels of Paris provide grand luxury to their inmates. Each of the rooms and suites are gloriously furnished and opulently decorated. Whether you've booked just a single room or the Presidential suite, you'll feel that you're re-living history and living like one of the Parisian monarchs, in the luxury Paris hotels. The architecture of each of the modern luxury Paris hotels resembles that of some medieval palace or imposing medieval edifice of Paris in one way or the other. So it'll not be surprising if you feel like Louis XIV or Napoleon Bonaparte while traversing through the rooms of a luxury Paris hotel. Though equipped with modern and hi-tech amenities for the comfort of the 21st century traveler, the luxurious hotels of Paris represent the medieval spirit of the Palace of Versailles, the fascinating beauty of the exhibits of the Louvre, the exquisite workmanship of the Notre Dame and the intellectual superiority of the Montmartre in their halls, rooms, their decor and in their milieu. Conference Facilities, Banqueting, Weddings and Fashion Shows in Luxury Paris Hotels Needless to say, the luxury hotels of the city are great places for historic meetings and rendezvous. These hotels boast of spacious and elaborate conference and banquet halls equipped with the smartest audiovisual gadgets so that meetings may be conducted seamlessly. It's an altogether different experience to conduct or attend meetings amidst gorgeous surroundings, intricately carved statues, sculptures and caryatids in the meeting rooms of these Parisian hotels. While transporting you to a bygone age, the meeting rooms in these hotels help you to experience the advantages of cutting-edge technology when you're hosting and participating in interactive conferences. Meeting room layouts in these hotels can be arranged as you wish and according to which Parisian landmark you'd like your meeting attendees to get a glimpse of in the course of the meeting: the Eiffel Tower, the Tuilleries Garden or the Louvre. The luxury hotels of Paris are also perfect venues for celebrating weddings and for hosting parties and fashion shows. The luxury Paris hotels employ the talents of the best chefs of Paris who dish out their amazing and mouthwatering creations at banquets, parties, weddings and conference luncheons and dinners hosted in the hotels. Medium-Priced Paris Hotels These hotels are situated on highways, near the Charles de Gaulle Airport of Paris or in places in the city from where long-distance traveling is essential to get to downtown Paris and the various tourist hotspots of Paris. Medium-priced hotels in Paris are good hotels and offer fine accommodation facilities to their guests. They are well decorated but not opulently decorated. The décor in medium-priced Parisian hotels is modern and posh and focuses more on utility than on grandeur. Medium-priced hotels afford their guests an extremely comfortable stay as rooms and suites in these hotels are equipped with all the modern amenities. The medium-priced hotels of Paris are generally 3 and 4 star hotels. The medium-priced Paris hotels are noted particularly for the sumptuous breakfasts that they serve their guests every morning. Sumptuous breakfasts, in Parisian hotels, are included with the room charges and are not extra as they are in the London hotels. Breakfast halls are typically roomy and divided into many segments so that different groups of tourists can sit in the different segments, while they eat. Breakfasts are well-laid out and include meat as well as non-meat products. Different kinds of French cheese; fruits, fruit juice; a variety of French bread including baguettes and croissants with generous helpings of butter, marmalade, pork-spread and jam; different preparations of egg such as French omelets, scrambled eggs, fried eggs and boiled eggs; milk, cream; cereals such as cornflakes and porridge; pork products such as grilled and deep-fried bacon, smoked and grilled sausages, ham and salami; and beverages such as tea and coffee are what you'll see in the breakfast halls of medium-priced Paris hotels every morning, when you wake up, bleary-eyed and eager for a hearty meal. Hotel guests of these hotels have often praised the kitchen staff of these hotels for serving tasty and filling breakfasts, luncheons and dinners. Medium-priced Paris hotels charge anything from € 102 to € 500 per day. Some of the most famous medium-priced Paris hotels are Express by Holiday Inn, Lille Center, Abba Montparnasse Hotel, Baltimore Paris Hotel, Astra Opera Hotel, Best Western Etoile Saint Honoré Hotel, Best Western Premier Elysées Bassano Hotel, Castille Paris Hotel, Metropol Hotel, Modern Lafayette Hotel, etc. Meeting Facilities in Medium-Priced Paris Hotels All medium-priced Paris hotels are equipped with meeting rooms and conference facilities. The meeting rooms in such Paris hotels are equipped with hi-tech audiovisual gadgets so that meetings may be conducted, effortlessly. The seating arrangements in the conference halls may be designed as you wish, in boardroom, U shaped, cabaret, classroom or in other styles. All medium-priced Paris hotels are equipped with Business Centers which are operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the benefit of conference hosts, presenters and attendees. Budget and Cheap Paris Hotels The budget Paris hotels are also known as the cheap Paris hotels. These hotels are plainly decorated and are ideal for travelers who travel on a strict budget. Rooms in these hotels are equipped with basic amenities. Many of the cheap hotels of Paris are located in the Montmartre area of Paris, the artists' quarter and the various flea markets of Paris. The Montmartre area and the Latin quarters near the world famous University of Paris, Sorbonne, are inhabited by intellectuals and students who prefer living on a tight budget. So, the cheapest hotels of Paris which are situated in these areas offer several advantages to their inmates. The Ile de la Cite of Paris epitomizes the quaint culture and charms of Paris. Several cheap Parisian hotels have cropped up here too. The Ile de la Cite houses the famous Notre Dame and other well-known landmarks. Many famous museums of Paris, other than the Louvre, are located in the vicinity of the Ile de la Cite. These are the Musee d'Orsay and the Musee De La Conciergerie. The guests of the cheap hotels hence have a wonderful time visiting the repositories and their breathtaking works and sightseeing in these picturesque parts of Paris. There is a distinct advantage of living in the budget hotels of the city because these Paris hotels encapsulate the tasteful and lively culture of Paris. As they are located in the crowded areas of Paris near the museums and universities, the hubs of intellectual learning and culture, they offer endless opportunities to their guests to explore the nooks and crannies of Paris, to get the feel and pulse of the city, it's rich and variegated history, its myriad etiquette, cuisines, artworks, the romantic spirit of the sculptures that adorn the city, every now and then. The cheap Paris hotels ask for anything between € 30 and € 150 for a single night's stay. Paris is a truly enchanting city. Its romantic aura encompasses you the moment you step into the city. Every boulevard, every sidewalk, thoroughfare, every street corner of Paris is a treat for the eye of the discerning tourist. Whether you're parading the Grande Gallery of the Louvre or admiring the fabulous interiors of the Palace of Versailles, whether you're getting your picture painted in the Montmartre or just gazing at the Egyptian obelisk in the Place de la Concorde, you'll always be surrounded by the rich heritage of Paris, a heritage that's inextricably interwoven with the city, its people and its monuments. And all the Paris hotels, however modern or sophisticated, try to be the archetype of the city's wonderful past. So it's no wonder that tourists feel the turmoil and turbulence of the Bastille, hear the screams and shrieks of guillotine victims, and perceive the sounds of Louis's hundred horsemen clip-clopping on the roads of Paris while they roam in Paris or when they reside at the Paris hotels. Damien Ghosh is a prolific writer of articles that focus on technology, places and people. Damien has worked in different industries such as the information technology industry, the travel and tourism industry and the retail industry. He has worked in several projects for blue-chip companies, that are part of the IT, travel and tourism and retail industries. His work and his passion for traveling has made him journey throughout the world. He has led large work-teams to accomplish business goals successfully. His rich experience undoubtedly helps him to write extensively. Damien writes for magazines, the web and for newspapers. His articles have received lots of accolades from critics and readers. Damien Ghosh's website is [https://www.meetingdiary.com] and his email is [damienghosh@live.com]. 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hotels paris palace hotels in paris with pool hotels in disneyland paris park hotels in paris near pantheon hotels in paris with queen size beds hotels in paris with queen beds hotels in paris with quad rooms hotels paris quartier opera hotels paris quartier du marais hotels paris quartier bastille hotels paris quartier montparnasse hotels paris quai d'orsay hotels paris quartier marais hotels paris quartier madeleine hotels paris quartier bourse hotels in paris recommended hotels in paris rue de rivoli hotels in paris near rue saint honore

Iklan Bawah Artikel

The Best Hotel Deals in Paris Paris, along with being the capital of France is also famous as one of the most romantic cities of the world having the Eiffel Tower, the epitome of love and hotels de Paris. Paris is also the fashion hub of the world and every year it attracts millions of tourists and travelers from across the world because of its monuments, best hotels in Paris, historic centers and museums. Undoubtedly with the regular flow of tourists and travelers the Paris hotels strive constantly in order to provide the most lucrative and the best Paris hotels deals to their customers. Paris has some of the best Europe luxury hotels with each having its own style and charisma. Luxury hotels in Paris provide the best accommodation, ultimate delicious cuisine, world class service and adventurous recreational events. Thus it becomes very important to check for the best Paris hotel deals before planning the trip. As part of the Paris package, these deals include airport shuttles, sightseeing options and travel options. Another option is to read guide reviews to select for the best luxury hotels Paris France. Before selecting the best Paris luxury hotels, there are a few things which must be kept in mind. For instance, you must choose the right time of the year to visit Paris as it would directly impact on your accommodation and travel cost. The travel and accommodation costs are at a peak during the spring season as most of the tourists visit Paris during that time. Thus if an incredible yet affordable Holiday Paris is what you are looking for then you must choose best hotels in Paris any time of the year besides the spring season. Winter season, with the exception of Christmas, the months of July and August are certainly the best months to Holiday in Paris. These months being the off season, can help you get the best Paris hotel deals. It is also important to do a little study on the various hotels so that you can easily get good promotional deals and good bargain with the best hotels in Paris. For this purpose, you must check out the websites of all the hotels that are in your list of best Paris hotels. Visiting the website can help you a lot in many ways; like it can help you get the reviews of various guests who have stayed in the hotels de Paris thus assisting you in choosing the best Paris hotels. You must also make sure that your accommodation charges cover for the breakfast and that the breakfast is good enough lest you should be spending extra for the breakfast and not eating it too. While selecting one of the best Europe luxury hotels, also make sure that you check for its location. Usually the hotels which are near to any monuments or landmarks are very expensive. It is under your scrutiny to decide whether you want a view of these monuments or not from your Paris Luxury hotel balcony. Thus, you should opt for other luxury hotels Paris France which are not nearer to these monuments for getting the best Paris hotels deals. Pack your bags and go for your dream vacation. Have a memorable stay in the city of lights, Paris. Mike Greaves is a self-made entrepreneur, a well known travel consultant and internet marketer. Over the years he has travelled across the world and has numerous writings credited to his name in many renowned publications. His areas of writing include travel experiences including reviews of best hotels in Paris, best beach resorts and luxury hotels in Paris. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2365049 Best Hotel Views in Paris France's city of love has some of the most luxurious hotels with fantastic views. Here are some of the best: Radisson Blu Situated in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the Radisson Blu is close to the Trocadero and offers astounding views of the infamous Eiffel Tower. Relatively small for a chain hotel, the hotel has 38 uber cool rooms that combine comfort and style with a convenient crash pad. There is a wellness centre that has a swimming pool with a wave machine and also a hammam. Mediterranean cuisine is served in the Metropolitan restaurant whilst the piece de resistance can be found at the hotel Lounge bar, which has wonderful views of the city. Hotel de Banville Hotel de Banville's location is slightly off the beaten track in terms of wandering Parisian streets yet it is still within walking distance of Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. The art deco façade leads to some truly contemporary design inside the hotel from the quirky lobby to the uber chic rooms. Close to local amenities that offer a truly French experience, the hotel is ideal for those looking for a bit of quiet away from the touristy bustle. For the real wow factor, book into Amelie's room and enjoy coffee and croissants on the terrace with the Eiffel tower, Sacre Coeur and Arc de Triomphe in the background. Parfait. Plaza Athenee This five-star luxury hotel in Paris is part of the Dorchester Hotel Collection. Beautiful flowers adorn ornate windows at the front of the hotel creating a warm and inviting façade. Close to the main shopping street of the Champs Elysees the Plaza Athenee has long been a favorite of the rich and famous and has well and having truly established itself over the years as a classic Parisian hotel. Dine in the hotel restaurant, Alain Ducasse Restaurant, at the Plaza Athenee where guests can dine on a delectable range of French cuisines. Hotel Eiffel Seine Nestled within the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, the Hotel Eiffel Seine couldn't be any better located for first time visitors to Paris wanting to see the sights. A renovated Art Nouveau boutique style hotel. Monochrome themes sit beside flashes of red which add a warmth to the décor and comfortable rooms offer a much needed home from home. The hotel website offers great advice on exploring the neighbourhood by foot and the buffet breakfast should provide more than enough energy to do so. Les Jardins d'Eiffel Les Jardins d'Eiffel is a three-star hotel located close to the Invalids and Eiffel Tower. Most of the 80 rooms have balconies or terraces and stunning views of the infamous landmark. There is a quiet courtyard where guests can escape the frantic French streets and rest tired feet after hard days exploring the city. The buffet breakfast is complementary and can be served in the garden on days when the weather permits. Tom Ingrams is a travel writer who specialises in the higher end of the market, paying particular attention to boutique and luxury hotels. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4625887 Paris Hotels The fashion capital of the world and the city of dreams, Paris attracts hordes of tourists and business travelers to its ethereal realms every year. A marvelous and spectacularly beautiful city, Paris embodies all that is ancient and magnificent, ultra-modern and chic of European culture. While the Louvre is visited by art and sculpture lovers and enthusiasts of the world, the Rue Saint-Honore and the Champs Elysees are thronged by globetrotters and shopaholics who patronize haute couture and who like to regale themselves at nightclubs. Paris is dotted with numerous hotels. The various Paris hotels offer excellent accommodation to the travelers who arrive at this historic European city for holidaymaking, attending art conferences and for business. Luxury Paris Hotels The many Paris hotels that are located in the heart of the city, in close proximity to the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre museum, on Champs Elysees and Rue Saint-Honore, the celebrated Eiffel Tower, Place de la Concorde, Tuileries Garden, the Elysee Palace, the Invalides Museum, the Seine river that cuts across Paris, and the other renowned landmarks of Paris are obviously the most expensive and the plushest hotels of the city. Some of the best luxury Paris hotels are the Hotel Plaza Athenee, Hotel Pont Royal, Hotel Le Meurice, Tiara Chateau Hotel Mont Royal, Hotel de Crillion, Radisson Blu Le Dokhan's Hotel, The Westin Paris, La Tremoille, Hyatt Regency Madeleine, Hotel du Louvre, Trianon Palace Versailles, Sofitel Paris Arc de Triomphe, etc. The luxury Paris hotels charge anything from € 610 to €20,000 per day according to the rooms and suites that you choose to stay in. These hotels of Paris provide grand luxury to their inmates. Each of the rooms and suites are gloriously furnished and opulently decorated. Whether you've booked just a single room or the Presidential suite, you'll feel that you're re-living history and living like one of the Parisian monarchs, in the luxury Paris hotels. The architecture of each of the modern luxury Paris hotels resembles that of some medieval palace or imposing medieval edifice of Paris in one way or the other. So it'll not be surprising if you feel like Louis XIV or Napoleon Bonaparte while traversing through the rooms of a luxury Paris hotel. Though equipped with modern and hi-tech amenities for the comfort of the 21st century traveler, the luxurious hotels of Paris represent the medieval spirit of the Palace of Versailles, the fascinating beauty of the exhibits of the Louvre, the exquisite workmanship of the Notre Dame and the intellectual superiority of the Montmartre in their halls, rooms, their decor and in their milieu. Conference Facilities, Banqueting, Weddings and Fashion Shows in Luxury Paris Hotels Needless to say, the luxury hotels of the city are great places for historic meetings and rendezvous. These hotels boast of spacious and elaborate conference and banquet halls equipped with the smartest audiovisual gadgets so that meetings may be conducted seamlessly. It's an altogether different experience to conduct or attend meetings amidst gorgeous surroundings, intricately carved statues, sculptures and caryatids in the meeting rooms of these Parisian hotels. While transporting you to a bygone age, the meeting rooms in these hotels help you to experience the advantages of cutting-edge technology when you're hosting and participating in interactive conferences. Meeting room layouts in these hotels can be arranged as you wish and according to which Parisian landmark you'd like your meeting attendees to get a glimpse of in the course of the meeting: the Eiffel Tower, the Tuilleries Garden or the Louvre. The luxury hotels of Paris are also perfect venues for celebrating weddings and for hosting parties and fashion shows. The luxury Paris hotels employ the talents of the best chefs of Paris who dish out their amazing and mouthwatering creations at banquets, parties, weddings and conference luncheons and dinners hosted in the hotels. Medium-Priced Paris Hotels These hotels are situated on highways, near the Charles de Gaulle Airport of Paris or in places in the city from where long-distance traveling is essential to get to downtown Paris and the various tourist hotspots of Paris. Medium-priced hotels in Paris are good hotels and offer fine accommodation facilities to their guests. They are well decorated but not opulently decorated. The décor in medium-priced Parisian hotels is modern and posh and focuses more on utility than on grandeur. Medium-priced hotels afford their guests an extremely comfortable stay as rooms and suites in these hotels are equipped with all the modern amenities. The medium-priced hotels of Paris are generally 3 and 4 star hotels. The medium-priced Paris hotels are noted particularly for the sumptuous breakfasts that they serve their guests every morning. Sumptuous breakfasts, in Parisian hotels, are included with the room charges and are not extra as they are in the London hotels. Breakfast halls are typically roomy and divided into many segments so that different groups of tourists can sit in the different segments, while they eat. Breakfasts are well-laid out and include meat as well as non-meat products. Different kinds of French cheese; fruits, fruit juice; a variety of French bread including baguettes and croissants with generous helpings of butter, marmalade, pork-spread and jam; different preparations of egg such as French omelets, scrambled eggs, fried eggs and boiled eggs; milk, cream; cereals such as cornflakes and porridge; pork products such as grilled and deep-fried bacon, smoked and grilled sausages, ham and salami; and beverages such as tea and coffee are what you'll see in the breakfast halls of medium-priced Paris hotels every morning, when you wake up, bleary-eyed and eager for a hearty meal. Hotel guests of these hotels have often praised the kitchen staff of these hotels for serving tasty and filling breakfasts, luncheons and dinners. Medium-priced Paris hotels charge anything from € 102 to € 500 per day. Some of the most famous medium-priced Paris hotels are Express by Holiday Inn, Lille Center, Abba Montparnasse Hotel, Baltimore Paris Hotel, Astra Opera Hotel, Best Western Etoile Saint Honoré Hotel, Best Western Premier Elysées Bassano Hotel, Castille Paris Hotel, Metropol Hotel, Modern Lafayette Hotel, etc. Meeting Facilities in Medium-Priced Paris Hotels All medium-priced Paris hotels are equipped with meeting rooms and conference facilities. The meeting rooms in such Paris hotels are equipped with hi-tech audiovisual gadgets so that meetings may be conducted, effortlessly. The seating arrangements in the conference halls may be designed as you wish, in boardroom, U shaped, cabaret, classroom or in other styles. All medium-priced Paris hotels are equipped with Business Centers which are operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the benefit of conference hosts, presenters and attendees. Budget and Cheap Paris Hotels The budget Paris hotels are also known as the cheap Paris hotels. These hotels are plainly decorated and are ideal for travelers who travel on a strict budget. Rooms in these hotels are equipped with basic amenities. Many of the cheap hotels of Paris are located in the Montmartre area of Paris, the artists' quarter and the various flea markets of Paris. The Montmartre area and the Latin quarters near the world famous University of Paris, Sorbonne, are inhabited by intellectuals and students who prefer living on a tight budget. So, the cheapest hotels of Paris which are situated in these areas offer several advantages to their inmates. The Ile de la Cite of Paris epitomizes the quaint culture and charms of Paris. Several cheap Parisian hotels have cropped up here too. The Ile de la Cite houses the famous Notre Dame and other well-known landmarks. Many famous museums of Paris, other than the Louvre, are located in the vicinity of the Ile de la Cite. These are the Musee d'Orsay and the Musee De La Conciergerie. The guests of the cheap hotels hence have a wonderful time visiting the repositories and their breathtaking works and sightseeing in these picturesque parts of Paris. There is a distinct advantage of living in the budget hotels of the city because these Paris hotels encapsulate the tasteful and lively culture of Paris. As they are located in the crowded areas of Paris near the museums and universities, the hubs of intellectual learning and culture, they offer endless opportunities to their guests to explore the nooks and crannies of Paris, to get the feel and pulse of the city, it's rich and variegated history, its myriad etiquette, cuisines, artworks, the romantic spirit of the sculptures that adorn the city, every now and then. The cheap Paris hotels ask for anything between € 30 and € 150 for a single night's stay. Paris is a truly enchanting city. Its romantic aura encompasses you the moment you step into the city. Every boulevard, every sidewalk, thoroughfare, every street corner of Paris is a treat for the eye of the discerning tourist. Whether you're parading the Grande Gallery of the Louvre or admiring the fabulous interiors of the Palace of Versailles, whether you're getting your picture painted in the Montmartre or just gazing at the Egyptian obelisk in the Place de la Concorde, you'll always be surrounded by the rich heritage of Paris, a heritage that's inextricably interwoven with the city, its people and its monuments. And all the Paris hotels, however modern or sophisticated, try to be the archetype of the city's wonderful past. So it's no wonder that tourists feel the turmoil and turbulence of the Bastille, hear the screams and shrieks of guillotine victims, and perceive the sounds of Louis's hundred horsemen clip-clopping on the roads of Paris while they roam in Paris or when they reside at the Paris hotels. Damien Ghosh is a prolific writer of articles that focus on technology, places and people. Damien has worked in different industries such as the information technology industry, the travel and tourism industry and the retail industry. He has worked in several projects for blue-chip companies, that are part of the IT, travel and tourism and retail industries. His work and his passion for traveling has made him journey throughout the world. He has led large work-teams to accomplish business goals successfully. His rich experience undoubtedly helps him to write extensively. Damien writes for magazines, the web and for newspapers. His articles have received lots of accolades from critics and readers. Damien Ghosh's website is [https://www.meetingdiary.com] and his email is [damienghosh@live.com]. 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